Yulianto Yalianto(1*), Budi Sutrisno(2)

(1) SMK Negeri 1 Kendal
(2) Pendidikan Akuntansi FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of the study was to describe ( 1 ) the empowerment potential of school
support cooperation with Du / Di , ( 2 ) implementation of SMK Negeri 2 Kendal
cooperation with Du / Di .This research is qualitative, withEthnographic research
design. The research was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Kendal . Resource persons / Principal
research informants , HumasbinWaka , Waka Curriculum / WakaSarpras / WMM , Kakom /
WG Prakerin / BKK / UP / Head of section / teacher , student / alumni. Data collection
techniques using in-depth interviews , observation and documentation . Analysis of the data
using a model of interactive analysis , data reduction , data model and conclusion /
verification carried along with the data collection process through a cyclic process . Test the
validity of the data using techniques degree of confidence ( Credibility ) .
The results of this study are( 1 ). Empowerment potential of supporting cooperation
with schools Du / Di : a) HR teacher earning potential , on the up grade each year through on
the job training ( OJT ) to industry . b ) There are still people who do not understand the
school in the implementation of QMS ISO in school . c ) Some students lack the motivation
to work . d ) Empowerment of alumni has not been well organized and e ) Empowerment of
potential schools managed by Swot analysis , strategies and actions to support the
empowerment of cooperation with Du / Di is done through the implementation of the work
program of the school and the field of public relations programs . ( 2 ) Implementation of
SMK Negeri 2 Kendal cooperation with Du / Di : a) Implementation of cooperation
embodied in the MoU , chosen Du / The quality meets industry standards nationally /
internationally b ) Validation and synchronization curriculum along with Du / Di / stakeholders
every year . c ) Periodically once a year to bring Du / Di / alumni of becoming a
teacher . d ) Students carry prakerin in Du / Di for 4 months . Monitoring and evaluation
conducted by the school counselor once a month .e ) Du / Di be the examiner / assessor in the
vocational practice exams ( UPK ) is currently the national exam ( UN ) annually .f) Each
year a minimum of 2 teachers in each - sent follow each competency skills on the job training
(OJT) in the industry. g ) Production Unit of the school is still not optimal and h ) Schools
facilitate / bring together graduates / alumni of the user ( corporate headhunter ) through a
special job fair ( BKK ) .


management , collaboration , Du / Di , empowerment

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