Anatri Desstya(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Natural Science is basic science, which in its development wider and its application of
science was born, namely technology. Science and technology are achieved by a nation
is a benchmark for the progress of a nation. Through the process of education in elementary
school, science has begun to be given. However, in the implementation, it
raises some problems occurred and the nature of science is not in line if applicable,
including: not or do not give the maximum opportunity for students to develop creativity,
teaching material still feels off with the main problems that arise in the community,
the process has not appeared skills in learning at school, and still conventional science
lessons. Efforts to science education in elementary schools is indispensable to the era of
technology in the future with respect to some aspects, namely: understanding the nature
of science, know and understand the child’s developmental level, especially elementary
school age children, relying on the theory of constructivism and developmental theory
of Jean Piaget, and apply scientific study combined with the various models of learning
science, among other constructivists, the inquiry, science process skills, STM (science
technology society), integrated, interactive, learning cycle and CLIS (Children Learning
in Science).


Science, technology, science learning models

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inovasi pendidikan. Diakses 21 oktober 2014).

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 66 Tahun 2013 Tentang

Standar Penilaian Pendidikan.

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