Fitri Puji Rahmawati(1*), Muhroji Muhroji(2), Ratnasari Diah Utami(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to find a model of strengthening character education in
elementary school environment learners Javanese culture. The specific objective of the
second year is to formulate a model of an active character education and fun in the
elementary school students then tested the cultured Javanese character education model
that is active and fun in the cultured primary school learners Java. The main method
developed in this research is descriptive - qualitative - reflective. The research method will
be implemented in the second year is the collection of data with focus group discussions
involving teachers, principals, school committees , and parents / guardians of students .
The collected data were analyzed by using a reflective critique. In that year also applied
data collection methods to test the model. The data were analyzed with a heuristic model.
This study has several performance indicators of each year. After the first year the indicator
is reached, followed by a search for examples of learning models applied by the teacher
in the implementation of character education. Year two indicators to be achieved is the
strong foundation of character education in the elementary sense after FGD with teachers,
principals, school committee, and parents / guardians of students. This indicator will
explain: (1) the weaknesses and strengths of the old model of learning in the teaching of
character education, (2) the expectations of elementary education stakeholders about
character education , (3) application of learning models “ Thanks Sam “ in SD and the
surrounding region of Surakarta , (4) the power of learning model “ Thanks Sam “ as a
learning model that is able to strengthen the character of elementary school students .


characters, “Berkat Anang”, learning model

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