Sri Murwanti(1*), Mulyono Mulyono(2)

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to analyze the influence of : 1 ) Return on Assets ( ROA ) to the stock price on
the banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange th period 2010-2012 ; 2 ) Return On Equity ( ROE
) to the stock price on the banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange th period 2010-2012 ; 3 ) Net
Profit Margin (NPM ) on stock prices in the banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange th period
2010-2012 ; 4 ) Earning per share (EPS ) to the stock price on the banking companies listed on the Stock
Exchange th period 2010-2012 ; 5 ) Price Earning Ratio ( PER ) on stock prices in the banking companies
listed on the Stock Exchange th period 2010-2012 ; and 6 ) ROA , ROE , NPM , EPS , PER simultaneously
on stock prices in the banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange th period 2010-2012 . This research
was conducted using secondary data . The population in this study are listed banking industry in Indonesia
Stock Exchange ( IDX ) of 28 companies , the samples taken were 84 observations by purposive sampling
technique . The method of analysis used by multiple regression analysis with first tested the classical
assumptions include normality test, multicollinearity , heteroscedasticity test , and hypothesis testing used
is a simultaneous significant test ( Test F ) , partial significant test ( the self- t ) . The results of this study
prove that : ROA no significant effect on the stock price on the banking companies listed on the Stock
Exchange th period 2010 - 2012 , ROE no significant effect on the stock price on the banking companies
listed on the Stock Exchange th period 2010 - 2012 , NPM significantly influence stock price on the banking
companies listed on the Stock Exchange th period 2010 - 2012 , EPS significantly influence stock prices in
the banking company listed on the Stock Exchange th period 2010 - 2012 , PER no significant effect on the
stock price on the banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange th period 2010 - 2012 , ROA , ROE ,
NPM , EPS and PER simultaneously significant effect on stock prices in the banking companies listed on
the Stock Exchange th period 2010 - 2012


financial ratios , stock price .

Full Text:



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