
CALL PAPERS Vol. 10 No. 1 March 2024


️ Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi


📕 Issue: Vol. 10 No. March 2024 

We invite authors focused on biological research field to publish their works in Bioeksperimen. 

Please register your personal account and submit your paper with English writing before 31 May 2024 through this following link

We are waiting for your contribution. 


Editor in Chief

Efri Roziaty

Posted: 2024-05-24

Articles on Vol. 9 No. 2 will be full English


To share our publication more widely, we are happy to announce that the articles on Vol. 9 No. 2 will be full English. 

To all authors, please submit your contribution with proper English writing following the authors' guidelines.

Posted: 2023-07-26

Vol. 9 No.1 has been published

Dear readers, authors, and reviewers of Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi

We are pleased to announce that the Issue of Vol. 9 No.1 has been published on march 2023. Please freely share this issue to your colleagues. 

Please kindly read and cite the articles through this following url

We akcnowledge all the reviewers and authors who highly contibuted to the Bioeksperimen. We are looking forward to receiving your future contribution.
Posted: 2023-07-26

Notice on Publication Fee

We announce that starting in March 2021 edition (Vol 7), Bioeksperimen charges the article publication fee for supporting the cost of wide-open access dissemination of research results, managing the various costs associated with handling and editing of the submitted manuscripts, and the journal management and publication in general, the authors or the author's institution is requested to pay a publication fee for each article accepted. If the manuscript is not accepted, the author does not required to pay any fee. The  fee charge for publishing is Rp 300.000,00.  
Posted: 2020-11-04