Wisnu Nugroho Aji(1*)

(1) Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten
(*) Corresponding Author


The quality of process and learning outcome always gathers side by side
and proportional. The qualified learning process will produce the qualified
learning outcome. The indicator of learning process is emerging by using correct
learning model to support the learning outcome. Dick and Carrey leaning model
is one of those models. The use of Dick and Carey model which is gathered with
the scientific approach of curriculum 2013 is proven empirically in supporting
the learning outcome of Indonesian language and literature. This research aims
to describe the implication of dick and carrey learning model on Indonesian
language and literature learning process. The result shows that this model is a
perfect match for the subject because the model is referring to the general stages
in learning system development. Moreover, dick and carrey model has ten steps
on systematical learning process that makes it appropriate for the implications
of 2013 curriculum.

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