Muhammad Walidin(1*), Chamamah Suratno(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


A research entitled “Reading al-Mutanabbi> and Its relation to the Three Caliphs
of Abbasid: A Semiotic Analysis” aims to describe semiotically a relation between
al-Mutanabbi> and the three Caliphs of Abbasid. The relation shows the role and
success of al-Mutanabbi>> as an outstanding Arabian poet. The research results in
showing the relation between al-Mutanabbi> and the three caliphs of Abbasid determined
by some factors, namely the character of al-Mutanabbi> , i.e. loyal, stiff,
helpful, smart, polite, and arrogant; the characteristics of the poetries, i.e. diplomatic,
contradictive, hyperbola, pars pro toto; and the pattern of the relation created,
i.e. patronage, friendship, and mutual relation. Although the character is an
important element to maintain the quality of the relation, the special characteristic
of the al-Mutanabbi>‘s poetries is the most significant element to create the good
relation with the three caliphs. In addition, the characteristics of al-Mutanabbi> ‘s
poetries are needed by the caliphs to increase their image in front of their public
and enemies.

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