Moechamad Nasir(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research was intended to analysis factor that affect demand of the Indomie instant noodle in
Kartasura, Grogol and Sukoharjo districts of Sukoharjo Regency, the result of the study could indicate
that the Indomie instant noodle was kind of luxury, normal, or inferior goods. The result of analysis
indicated that Indomie instant noodle was normal goods in three districts of Sukoharjo Regency based
on income elasticity; whereas own price elasticity of demand indicated the demand of Indomie noodle was
inelasticity for Kartasura, Grogol, Sukoharjo districts. The cross price elasticity of demand indicated
substitute commodity or complementary commodity for Indomie and related commodity in three districts
of Sukoharjo Regency. This research recomendation that increasing price of Indomie for districts which
the demand of Indomie instant noodle was elasticity to get high revenue total, whereas for districts which
the demand of Indomie instant noodle, was inelasticity to growing up marketing, means to increase
quantity buying if Indomie instant noodle it is important to applaied decreasing price.


the demand of Indomie instant noodle, own price elasticity, income elasticity and cross price elasticity.

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