Karakteristik Kulit Batang Pohon Inang Lichen di Bukit Bibi, Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (The Bark Characteristics of Lichen Host Tree in Bukit Bibi, Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi)

Puspita Ratna Susilawati(1*)

(1) Universitas Sanata Dharma
(*) Corresponding Author


Karakteristik kulit batang inang menjadi faktor penentu komunitas corticolous lichen. Beberapa jenis lichen menunjukkan preferensi terhadap karakteristik kulit batang tertentu. Informasi karakteristik kulit batang pohon inang sangat dibutuhkan dalam upaya konservasi terutama untuk red-listed lichen species. Namun penelitian dengan tema tersebut masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis pohon inang lichen di Bukit Bibi dan mendeskripsikan karakteristiknya. Pohon yang disampling adalah pohon yang ditumbuhi lichen di sepanjang jalur jelajah dengan diameter batang > 20 cm DBH. Kulit batang yang disampling adalah kulit batang yang tidak ditumbuhi lichen dan terletak pada ketinggian 130 cm. Karakteristik fisik yang dianalisis meliputi tekstur, kelembaban substrat dan kapasitas menyimpan air sedangkan karakteristik kimia berupa pH. Pohon inang corticolous lichen di Bukit Bibi ada 17 jenis. Karakteristik kulit batang yang bervariasi yaitu tekstur halus sampai kasar dengan celah/ retakan yang dalam; kelembaban substrat antara 8,03% - 63,18%; kapasitas menyimpan air antara 56,06% - 153,33%; dan pH antara 5,05 - 5,89.


The characteristics of the host tree bark became a determining factor for the corticolous lichen community. Several types of lichen showed a preference for certain bark characteristics. Information on characteristics of host tree bark was needed in conservation, especially for red-listed lichen species. However, research on this theme was still limited. This study was aimed to determine the diversity of species of lichen host trees in Bukit Bibi and to describe their characteristics. The sampled tree was a tree that was overgrown with lichen along the cruising path with a trunk diameter > 20 cm DBH. Sampled bark was a bark that was not overgrown with lichen and was situated at a height of 130 cm. Physical characteristics analyzed included texture, substrate humidity, and water holding capacity while chemical characteristic was pH. There were 17 types of corticolous lichen host trees in Bukit Bibi. Varied bark characteristics were smooth to rough texture with deep cracks; substrate humidity between 8.03% - 63.18%; water storage capacity between 56.06% - 153.33%; and pH between 5.05 - 5.89.


bark, characteristics, corticolous lichen, host tree (phorophyte)


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