Zainul Fawaid(1*), Vera Septi Sistiasih(2)

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to examine the effectiveness and responses of students to student worksheets when carrying out learning from or distance learning oriented to critical thinking produced by students. This research is qualitative research because the researcher explains and explains how the student worksheet is able to improve student learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were junior high school students who carried out the distance learning process. The data obtained in this study is to analyze and classify the results of observations made online, the results of assignments during several meetings that have been carried out by students, and record the results that have been found during the distance or online learning process. Meanwhile, the technique used to analyze the data in this research is using the taxonomy technique. After doing research, it can be concluded that the results obtained by students after using the student worksheet media are already above the KKM or the average that has been set.


Students Worksheet; E- Learning; Learning Outcomes

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