SOMETING: Inisiasi model peningkatan brand image berbasis social marketing pada UMKM Kelapa Parut Kota Semarang

Ahmad Reza(1*)

(1) Dian Nuswantoro University
(*) Corresponding Author


Social marketing or social marketing is one way for a company to improve its brand image to be better known among the public. Social marketing activities can be based on activities such as caring for the environment and minimal waste generated from the business activities of an MSME or company. The purpose of this study is to find out more deeply about consumer perceptions of marketing activities carried out based on social marketing and to know whether social marketing can be a model for improving the brand image of a business. This research was carried out using qualitative methods by conducting in-depth interviews with grated coconut business owners and grated coconut consumers which in this study were taken from several Grated Coconut SMEs in Semarang City. By finding a new social marketing model, namely (SOMETING) as a basis for initiating an increase in MSME brand image or an effort to increase MSME awareness of the environment and make it easier for MSMEs to carry out social marketing to improve their business brand image. The contribution of the results of this research is that the new someting model can make it easier to describe in carrying out social marketing because the model is very easy to understand and run and the model is adapted to business conditions and consumers.

Keywords: Brand Image, Social Marketing, Initiation, Something, Model


Brand Image, Social Marketing, Initiation, Model

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