Character Education in Early Childhood Based on Kohlberg's Perspective

Ilham Sunaryo(1*), Endang Fauziati(2)

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Early Childhood learning prioritizes developing cognitive intelligence rather than
affective intelligence or character building. This research is a type of exploratory descriptive
research. Exploratory descriptive research aims to describe the state of a phenomenon. This
research is not intended to test certain hypotheses, only to describe what a variable, symptom
or condition is. This research wants to further analyze related to early childhood character
education based on Kohlberg using literature studies obtained from various scientific
sources. The urgency of character education for each individual is an absolute thing to do as
an effort to build a generation that contributes to the progress of the nation. Character
education efforts certainly cannot escape from the psychological aspects contained in
individuals which may influence the process of achieving the success of character building
itself. One of the most significant individual psychological aspects for the development of
individual personality is the moral aspect.


Character, Early Childhood, Kolberg's Perspective

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