Procedure For Giving Remissions To Criminal Children At The Ternate Class II Children Special Development Institution

Tri Syafari(1), Nur Fadila Ipa(2*), Fathurrahim Fathurrahim(3)

(1) Universitas Khairun Ternate
(2) Universitas Khairun Ternate
(3) Universitas Khairun Ternate
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to find out the procedure for granting remissions to criminal children in the special fostering institutions for class II children in Ternate. To find out the constraints that can affect the granting of remissions to criminal children in Ternate class II special fostering institutions. This research was conducted in the Legal Territory of Ternate Class II Child Development Institute. The type of research used is empirical legal type or field research, namely research conducted in the field or at a research location, a place chosen as a location to investigate objective phenomena as occurring at that location, which is also carried out to compile scientific reports while data analysis techniques are using the approximation method. Qualitative descriptive analysis, namely data stated by respondents in writing or orally as well as real behavior that is researched and studied as a whole. The results of the study can be seen that as a whole LPKA Ternate has carried out the process of granting remissions to criminal children properly or in accordance with applicable laws but there are obstacles faced by the Ternate Children's Special Development Institute which affect the implementation of remissions, namely 1). Infrastructure or facilities, namely an unstable internet network at LPKA which affects the sending of files regarding the requirements for granting remission to children. 2). The behavior of criminal children in carrying out the coaching process at LPKA Ternate which does not comply with existing rules, and commits violations in the coaching process so that they do not get remissions.


Procedural; Remission; Children; LPKA

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