Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Dasar Pasca Erupsi Merapi

Anif Yulin Kurniati(1*)

(1) SMA N 1 Salaman Magelang,
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aimed to describe the characteristics of students in learning, the characteristics of the teaching activities, and characteristics of school facilities and infrastructure after the eruption of Merapi 2010. Methods of this study used qualitative methods to design ethnography studies that took place in SD Negeri 1 Sirahan and SMP Negeri 2 Salam,Magelang. Sources of the data in the study were documents, interviews to speakers, sound recordings and images or photos. Informants in this study are the principal, teachers, staff, and students of SD Negeri 1 Sirahan and SMP Negeri 2 Salam , Magelang. The analysis data used flow analysis, where data collected then analyzed, reduced, structured presentation of data, and draw conclusions.The results can be stated as follows: 1). Student activity in learning post-eruption of Merapi can run optimally if the environment is conducive to learning. 2). Activities of teachers in teaching post- eruption of Merapi can run optimally if the environment is conducive teaching. 3). School infrastructure after the eruption of Merapi support teaching and learning process if rapidly rebuilt.

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