Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan di Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Klaten

S. Sayektiningsih(1*), Bambang Sumardjoko(2), Achmad Muhibin(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


This study attempts to described in detail and clear about planting value character in
learning education Pancasila and Citizenship covered planning, the implementation
of the, assesment, obstacles faced and a solution that attempts at constraints. The kind
of research qualitative with the design case study. The research phase in Madrasah
Aliyah Muhammadiyah Klaten. Technique data collection with the methods interview,
observation and study the contents of doecumentation, with informants students,
teachers, head madrasah, deputy head of madrasah affairs curriculum , and the
other related. Technique data analysis model interactive (display at the interactive
model of analysis), validity data using a method of triangulation source. The
results of research is planting the values of the character in the learning education
Pancasila and Citizenship in Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Klaten that have
been carried out with an implement the theory of learning involving planning of
learning, the implementation of interactive learning, evaluation which includes the
aspect of the attitude (affective), the aspect of knowledge (cognitive), and aspect
skill (psichomotoryc). Also some berriers faced in the planting the values of good
character from students in the form of the nature of character of students that lazy
bum, the influence of students as well as from a teacher in the form of limitations
in designing lesson plans, make use of technology and the source or a medium
that variatif as well as the curriculum. A solution which is being undertaken to the
resistance of the student with the approach in the form of psichologis, assistance,
the guidance and his exemplary, include students in axtracurricular activities and
organization of Muhammadiyah, gifts (reward) and punishment. While solution for
teachers by involving in training 2013 Curriculum, MGMP and well as counselling


The values; the values of character; learning; Pancasila Education and Citizenship

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