Kontibusi Kemandirian Siswa, Monitoring Orang Tua dan Fasilitas Kelas Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika

Siti Yuliana Nur Ardiyanti(1*), Meggy Novitasari(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


This study focuses on (1) examine the contribution of student independence, parental
monitoring, and class facilities on mathematics learning outcomes (2) examine
the contribution of students’ independence on mathematics learning outcomes (3)
examine the contribution of parental monitoring on mathematics learning outcomes
(4) examine the contribution of class facilities on mathematics learning outcomes.
This research belongs to quantitative research. The study population is 350
students of class XI SMK Negeri 1 Miri Sragen. The study sample of 187 students is
determined by the Slovin formula. The data are obtained using proportional random
sampling, questionnaire, and documentation. The data find in this research are
analyzed using multiple linier regression. The results of this study are (1) there is a
contribution of student independence, parental monitoring and classroom facilities
towards mathematics learning outcomes by 16.8% while the remaining 83.2% can be influenced by other factors outside this research (2) there is no contribution of students’ independence to mathematics learning outcomes with a relative contribution of 26% and an effective contribution of 4% (3) there is parental monitoring contribution to mathematics learning result with relative contribution of 18% and effective contribution 3% (4) there is a class facility contribution to mathematics learning outcomes with a relative contribution of 256% and an effective contribution of 9%.


mathematic learning outcomes; student independence; parental monitoring; class facilities

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