Ninik Praptini(1*)

(1) SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of the study are: 1) To get a description about the condition of
education quality in general in SMA Assalaam Sukoharjo, in order to describe
the real fact of the education quality in SMA Assalaam Sukoharjo; 2) to reveal
the condition of students achievement in order to describe the success level of the education
quality in SMA Assalaam Sukoharjo; 3) to reveal the quality management in SMA Assalaam
Sukoharjo that consists of classroom management, student recruitment management and
learning activity management. The research is beneficial as the consideration for the
headmaster in conducting evalution in the teaching and learning activity and as information
about the quality management in SMA Assalaam Sukoharjo.


management, quality based, space management, recruitment, learning activity

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