Strategi Komunikasi dalam Melakukan Business Recovery Antara Agensi Public Relations dengan Startup Digital

Ruth Uli Sefanya(1*), Yovi Bathesta(2)

(1) Institute of Communication and Business London School of Public Relations Jakarta
(2) Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh agensi public relations, Golin, dalam dinamika hubungan dengan klien startup digital, Gilkor. Penelitian menggunakan teori strategi komunikasi dan konsep hubungan klien-konsultan, dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan studi kasus. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan pertanyaan terstruktur kepada Associate Consultant Golin, Marketing & Business Development Gilkor, serta ilmuwan pakar di bidang hubungan masyarakat dan jurnalisme. Kesimpulan penelitian, strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan Golin terhadap klien menjawab tiga tujuan komunikasi yaitu, menyamakan persepsi terhadap press conference yang perlu dilakukan Gilkor untuk meningkatkan kesadaran publik, menciptakan penerimaan, serta memotivasi Gilkor bertindak sesuai arahan Golin. Rekomendasi penelitian, untuk melakukan analisis industri dan pelatihan media sebelum konferensi pers untuk memaksimalkan hasilnya.

Kata kunci: Strategi komunikasi, hubungan klien-konsultan, penanganan media

This study aims to examine the communication strategy used by the public relations agency, Golin, in the dynamics of relationships with digital startup clients, Gilkor. The research uses communication strategy theory and client-consultant relationship concepts, with qualitative methods and case study approaches. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with structured questions to Golin's Associate Consultant, Gilkor’s Marketing & Business Development, as well as expert scientists in the field of public relations and journalism. The conclusion of the research, the communication strategy carried out by Golin towards the client answers three communication objectives namely, equating the perception of the press conference that Gilkor needs to do to increase public awareness, create Gilkor acceptance of Golin's suggestions, and motivate Gilkor to act according to Golin's direction. The recommendations are to do the industry analysis and media training prior to the press conferences in order to maximize the result.

Keyword: Strategic communication, client-consultant relationship, media handling



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