Effect Test Stimulant of Curcuma Rhizome Infusion (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) On Male Mice Swiss Strain

Neni Lugki Nian Tary(1*), Tanti Azizah Sujono(2)

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The used of plants efficacious as medicines in the prevention of health problems had been known for a
long time the Indonesian people. The utilization of plants as medicine was based on the experience passed
down from generation to generation. The used of traditional medicines relatively favored by the people,
the underlying factor are traditional medicines have less side effects than the modern medicines if used
appropriately. Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) used as refreshment which had stimulant effect..
Stimulant was a substance that can stimulated the central nervous system which can speed up the processes
in the body and minimize fatigue. Need to research the effects of stimulant infusion of curcuma rhizome.
The research was conducted experimental methods pre-test and post-test. Twenty-five male mice Swiss
strain used as experimental animals, which are divided into five groups, positive control (caffeine 100mg /
kg BW), negative control (distilled water 0,5ml /20g BW), infusion of curcuma dose I (2.5 g/ kg BW), dose
II (5g / kg BW), and dose III (10g / kg BW) respectively. Animal experiments tested using methods Natatory
Exhaustion and treated with oral route. The effects of stimulant tired was calculated the time difference
before and after treatment. The data obtained were analyzed non-parametric statistical tests, it’s Kruskal
Wallis and Mann Whitney with a 95% confidence level. Infuse curcuma rhizome had the stimulant effect,
the effect was obtained by increased the dose. At doses of 2.5 g / kg BW, 5g / kg BW, and 10 g / kg BW was
provide a stimulant effect respectively by 2.82 minutes, 3.71 minutes and 4.94 minutes. Stimulant effect dose
II and III had a greater effect than the positive control (p<0,05), the dose I had similar effect compare with
control positive (p>0,05).


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