The Evaluation of Antibiotics Using to Pediatric Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Patients at Health Centers in Kunduran Blora 2013

Tesar Zulmi Antoro(1*), Nurul Mutmainah(2)

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Acute respiratory tract infection is an acute infection which attacks one or more part of respiratory tract
from nose to alveoli. This disease is an important society’s health problem especially in the developing
countries which attacks children easily especially who have low body’s immunity. This aim of the research
was to know representation of the treatment and the accuracy of antibiotics distribution as the treatment of
pediatric patients of acute upper respiratory tract infection (AURTI) at Health Center in Kunduran, Blora
2013 which is observed by appropriate parameter indication, appropriate drugs, appropriate dose and
appropriate patients using the standard from WHO (2003). This research was categorized as qualitative
and non experimental research. In obtaining the data, the researcher trace the pediatric patient’s medical
record in the registration book in the health center Kunduran, Blora regency year 2013. The obtained data
was analyzed descriptively to evaluate the rationality of antibiotics distribution for AURTI. The research
result showed that over 110 of the available samples in children aged up to 12 years old which were
diagnosed as AURTI sufferer, 92 cases (83.63%) used amoxicillin antibiotics, 18 cases (16.37%) used
kotrimoksazol, 72 cases (65.50%) were proper indication, 59 case (53.63%) were proper drugs, 110 cases
(100%) were proper patients, 87 case (79.09%) were proper dose, and 47 case (42.70) were rational in the

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