Information and Communication Technology in Elementary Schools: A Comparison Between Hybrid and Face-to-Face Learning Systems

Wisnu Zakaria(1*), Turmudi Turmudi(2), Jupeth Toriano Pentang(3)

(1) Indonesia University of Education
(2) Indonesia University of Education
(3) Western Philippines University
(*) Corresponding Author


At the beginning of 2020, the world was experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic, and Indonesia was no exception. The occurrence of this affects the learning system in Indonesia, the learning system that was originally face-to-face was forced to online form, in this case the teachers are required to provide a creative, efficient and optimal learning system for students. So the purpose of this study is to find out the difference in the average learning result of elementary school students during the pandemic. The method used in this study is quantitative with a posttest-only control group design. The population in this study were grade 4 elementary school students in Majalengka district, Indonesia. There were 64 samples and was taken by purposive sampling. The results of this study are that there are differences in the average student learning results where students who study with the hybrid learning system are higher than the face-to-face learning system. The hybrid learning system is very reliable in the 4.0 era as well as learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, for the record, it is necessary to look at the facilities and infrastructure considering that this system relies on technology, it is necessary to understand and be able to control the learning media for both teachers and students so that learning outcomes can be optimal and minimize the occurrence of obstacles. The present study revealed the implementation of 21st century learning.



Elementary Education; Hybrid learning; Information technology; Learning systems; Face-to-face learning

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