Lingga Nico Pradana(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of learning start with a question
methods on geometry learning. The effectiveness of these methods would be compared with
presentation method. The method of this research was quasi experimental method with 2x1
factorial design. The population in this study was the third semester students at PGSD IKIP
PGRI MADIUN while the sample was 3G as an experimental class and 3C as the control class.
The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. Methods of data collection in this
study was test method and divided into two: pre-test and post-test. Data analysis techniques
used in this study is a t-test with two independent samples. The results of this study were learning
starts with a question method was more effective than presentation method.


method, learning start with a question, geometry learning

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