Pembinaan dan Pendampingan Pimpinanan Keperawatan dalam Melaksanakan Peran dan Fungsi Manajemen pada Kepala Ruang di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Arumi Pratiw(1*), Yuni Wulan Utami(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


Role and function management must be done nurse manager in hospital. Nursing low
manager one of leader which conduct the leadership role and function. The aim of
the activity is improving duty of nurse low manager when they conducted leadership
role and function. The participate in the activity are nurse low manager and primary
nursing. The method of activity are lecturer, discusion, simulation and demonstration.
The result of activity describe improving level of knowledge nurse low manager. In
addition, nurse low manage


kepala ruang dan ketua tim, peran dan fungsi manajerial


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