Meningkatkan Efisiensi dan Profitabilitas pada Usaha Tani Bawang Merah di Kabupaten Brebes

Imron Rosyadi(1*), Nur Achmad(2), Triyono Triyono(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Onion Agriculture has benefited farmers, but the benefits are very small as
compared with production costs that have been published. This is consistent with the results of research Rosyadi (2009) which states that the level of profit is not sufficient to meet the needs of peasant household economy. Or in other words, onion farm in the location of the study did not provide significant benefits for the economy of peasant households. To solve the problems encountered, partner activities and implementation team agreed that this method is appropriate is the format of training and consultancy services “Implementation of Working Capital Management At the Onion Farm.” Indicators of success of this activity can be seen from some important things that are revealed through in-depth interview participants. Based on in-depth interview is known that onion farmers to understand the importance of working capital management and practice how to manage working capital well, efficiently and effectively. IbM event has implications for government policy for the district soon realized: (a) the availability of new varieties that productive, adaptive and resistant to pests or diseases, (b) availability of production technology and management of quality seeds, the concept of quality assurance and standardization as the first step to build a national seed industry a strong and independent, (c) Availability of environmentally friendly agricultural technologies and efficient by utilizing local resources in an optimal and sustained to produce horticultural products are the opportunities and open to the emergence of a modern and efficient industrial facilities in various regions, (d ) The availability of pest or disease control technology based on the use of natural enemies and reducing synthetic pesticides as low as possible, (e) The availability of postharvest technology for efficient packaging, conservation of fresh quality, product diversification is associated with increased value-added horticultural industry. So the activity is generally considered a success based on in-depth interviews that reveal some things about: (i) working capital management with a good, efficient and effective, (ii) pass the cost efficiency of production, (iii) allocating cash and stock in order to maintain the sustainability of agricultural onion, ( iv) understand and can do proper financial planning and benefits of capital budgeting and (v) increase the working capital of onion farming.


pengelolaan modal kerja, efisiensi, profitabilitas


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