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two months in year 2007. Purpose this research is to know the relation of between knowledge and families
attitude with the relapsing at patient schizophrenia in Psychiatric Hospital of Surakarta. This Research is
conducted quantitatively. Method research of Cross Sectional. Research Variable composed by the free
variable is level storey of knowledge and attitude of while variable tied by is relapsing of patient
schizophrenia. Sample used by counted 50 respondents. Data collecting use the questioners. Technique
analyzes the data by using Chi Square. From data analysis obtained by that from variable mount the
knowledge indicate that there no relation between level storey of family knowledge with the relapsing of
patient schizophrenia. This matter is visible from value probability of larger ones from level of significant from
knowledge level storey is 5% (0,256>0,05) meaning Ho accepted. While from attitude variable indicate that
there is relation between family attitudes by relapsing is patient schizophrenia. This matter is visible from
probability value which is smaller than level of significant from attitude is 5% (0,041<0,05), meaning Ho
refused and Ha accepted. Family shall more tightening of relationship and entire member of sharing family
require to and also in striving recovering of patient schizophrenia. Family requires looking for the information
which pandemic adequate of schizophrenia, its disease clarification and striving to rehabilitate and also
menagerie its handling. Family has to be more many giving motivation and motivation to client schizophrenia.
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