Siti Arifah(1*), Okti Sri Purwanti(2),

(1) Prodi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(2) Prodi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Stress is a non specific respone of body if the deman of body increase cause a stressor. Stress will increase
sympathetic activity with releasing apinephrine and cortisol. Releasing apineprhine and cortisol to long time
will reducing imunity system. Stress can reducing lymphosit B expression, but are this response include
exchange of amount and diameter of center germinal in lymph node. This research is to purpose to find out
epinephrine and cortisol administration make reducing of amount and diametre center germinal of lymph
node. Sample in this research are 20 rattus norvegiccus Wistar, divided to 4 group, they are control that
administrated NaCl, first experiment administrated epinefrin, second experiment administrated
hidrokortisone, and third experiment administrated both epinephrine and hidrocortishone. The sampling
technique is simple random sampling, and collecting data taken from lymph node histologic preparation and
then observed with ray microscope.
The research resulting significance score is 0,000 (p<0,05) to anova test, and LSD test is resulting score of
controle with epinephrine is 0,006, controle with cortisol is 0,003, and controle with both epinephrine and
cortisol is 0,000 for center germinal amount, and then for diametre between controle with epinephrine is
0,132, controle with cortisole is 0,22, and control with both epinefrin and cortisol is 0,002. Conclude the
research is epinephrine and cortisol administration are reducing amount and diametre center germinal of
lymph node rattus norvegiccus Wistar.


Epinephrine; cortisol; center germinal

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