Dina Mayasari(1*), Arum Pratiwi(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Typhoid fever still become the problem of society health in Indonesia with the incident
between 350-180 case of per 100.000 resident and CFR gyrate 3%. This disease is
pertained by a contagion which can groan the many people. Typhoid fever represent
the acute infection disease is which is because of germ of Salmonella Typhi. Patient
of typhoid Fever later can become the carrier and relapsing/relaps can be the
happened. Factors causing the typhoid fever of recurrence for example : (1) immunity
circumstance/endurance body of somebody, (2) personal hygiene which less be
environmental though good generally, (3) consumption of food and beverage which
risk (not yet cook/braise, lighted upon by the fly, not paid attention to its hygiene), (4)
life style, (5) stress, etcetera. The main purpose of this research is to find out the the
relationship of immune respon and stress with the relapse level of tifoid fever at the
society in region of Puskesmas Colomadu Karanganyar. The research method of this
research is use the descriptive desain research of corelatif with the device of cross
sectional.Population of this research are all tifoid patients who are came on
Puskesmas Colomadu in 2008, that are 130 patients. The technicall sampling of this
research is purposive sampling with 43 patients. The technicall data collecting to be
used on this research is by quesioner and interview to the patients, this quesioner
include the immune respon, stress and relapse level of tifoid. The best conclude on
this research hypothesis test conducted by a data analysis with the analysis bivariate
crosstabulation hence result of value Chi-Square ( X²) to The Chi Square (X²) value
for the relationship of immune respon and relapse level of tifoid is 31,279. With the
sifnificant level 0,013 that is more smaller than 0,05 so on this case the Ho is rejected
and Ha accepted, so its concluded that there is have a good relationship between
immune respon and relapse level of tifoid. The Chi Square (X²) value for stress and
relapse level of tifoid is 22,598 with significant level 0,021 smaller than 0,05, so Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted. This research is its found that there is have a good
relationship of immune respon and stress with the relapse level of tifoid fever at the
society in region of Puskesmas Colomadu Karanganyar


Immune Respon, Stress, Relapse Level

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