Sri Nuryani(1*), Faizah Bety Rahayuningsh(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


The election a method, besides considering effectivity, side effects, advantage and
limitations that is is sticking at one particular contraception method, also there are individual
factors of acceptor candidate and also factor eksternal which in the end influences decision
making of the acceptor candidate (Erfand, 2008). Purpose of this research is some culture
factors relating to decision making in family to plan at group of mother is region of
Puskesmas I Sukoharjo.
This research done by using method descriptive correlative. Research is executed in
Wilayah Puskesmas I Sukoharjo. Population from this research is fertility age woman that is
is not applies KB and using natural KB in Wilayah Puskesmas I Sukoharjo. Sample 96 up to
standard has responders of inklusi and ekslusi. Examination of data analysis applies test
Regresi Logistik.
This research concludes: (1) level of cultural and religion trust at group of mother in
region Puskesmas I Sukoharjo strong mean, that is with percentage of 61%, (2) level of
education at group of mother in region Puskesmas I Sukoharjo low mean where mostly they
don't go to school, SD/MI and SMP/MTs where percentage of entirely is 64%, (3) election of
decision in family plans at group of mother in region Puskesmas I Sukoharjo most of natural
KB, that is with percentage of 69%, (4) there is relationship signifikan level of cultural and
religion trust to decision making in family plans at group of mother in region Puskesmas I
Sukoharjo, and ( 5) there is relationship signifikan level of education to decision making in
family plans at group of mother in region Puskesmas I Sukoharjo


religion trust and culture, education, decision of family plans

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