Murni Mahmud(1*)

(1) FBS Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This paper discusses politeness practices as one of the important cultural norms
in Bugis society. The main focus is to see the factors influencing Bugis practices of
politeness such as social status, age, gender, and familiarity. This paper is a part of
my study on politeness in Bugis society, conducted in 2005 in two different Bugis
communities in South Sulawesi: the first was in Awangpone, a rural area a few
kilometres north of the regional peninsula of South Sulawesi; the second was in
Parepare, the second city of the province located on the west coast, about 155 km
north of Makassar. The result of the research shows the significant influence of
those above factors in the practices of Bugis politeness. There is a high tendency to
act and speak with a high degree of politeness to signify their high status. However,
other factors such as age, gender, and familiarity counteract each other to perform
high level of politeness of Bugis people.

Key words: Politeness, Social Status, Age, Gender, Familiarity, Bugis Society

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