Wiyaka Wiyaka(1*), Sri Wahyuni(2), Ajeng Setyorini(3)

(1) English Education Department IKIP PGRI Semarang
(2) English Education Department IKIP PGRI Semarang
(3) English Education Department IKIP PGRI Semarang
(*) Corresponding Author


This study is specifically focused on the student final project abstract based on genre analysis which covers the study of the generic structure and the linguistic features. The statements of the study are: (1). How do the students of English Education Department of IKIP PGRI Semarang realize the generic structure in their final project abstracts (2). How do they realize the linguistic features in their final project abstracts, and (3). What is the contribution of the result of the study to the English Education Program of IKIP PGRI Semarang. The main purpose of this study is to find out the generic structure and linguistic features of the final project abstracts and analyze the contribution of this study to the English Department. This study applies the descriptive qualitative method. The object of this study is the final project abstracts written by English Education Department students of ‘IKIP PGRI Semarang’. The total of 10 final projects formed the data of this study. The data of the study were analyzed using the genre analysis approach. The first step of data analysis was identifying the Moves which was done by using Linguistic evidence and understanding the texts. The finding shows that only some of the final project abstracts made by the students of IKIP PGRI applied the five Moves. It is found that two Moves are applied in all abstracts, they are Purpose and Method Moves (100%). Situating the research is used in five abstracts (50%). Meanwhile the third move that is the Result Move used in eight abstracts (80%). The Conclusion Move found in five abstracts (50%). The result of the analysis showed that two personal pronouns were found in the final project abstracts. Personal pronouns such as ‘the writer’ and ‘the researcher’ were found in all of the abstracts. Personal pronoun ‘she’ was found in one abstract. Finally, there are only five expressions of hedges that are used in the final project abstracts, they are modal auxiliary verbs, adjectival, adverbial, nominal and Approximators of degree. The suggestions toward this study are (1) The English lecturers should introduce how to create a meaningful text, particularly the abstract as the representation of the research report in good structure for the students based on the theory of genre. (2) The lecturers should improve the teaching and learning process relating to the improvement of academic writing, in this case lecturers who in charge of teaching academic writing. (3) The final project supervisors should put a high concern of genre to be applied in writing the abstract of the final project during the supervision. (4) The English Education department should provide a precise guideline for final project writing.

Key words: genre, final project, abstract.

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