Hepy Adityarini(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The nature of English as an International Language (EIL) has significant implications
in the area of English Language Teaching (ELT). The current essay will
review the implications of EIL in three different areas: research on attitudes towards
varieties of English, research on methods of improving non-native speakers’
intelligibility, English teaching curriculum and materials for teaching pronunciation.
Despite the debate of appropriateness of native speakers’ accent as models
for teaching pronunciation, the findings from most of the research on attitudes
towards varieties of English suggest the students’ preferences towards native speakers’
accent. In the mean time, the research on methods of improving non-native
speakers’ intelligibility indicate the necessity of giving more emphasis on teaching
suprasegmental features such as intonation and stress to non-native speakers. At
the curriculum level, although the experts have proposed some ideas of how EIL
should be, the implementation of such curriculum might be difficult to realize in
some countries. With regards to pronunciation teaching materials, many English
practitioners recommend the use of authentic materials that incorporate students’
local culture in the classroom.

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