Djoko Srijono(1*)

(1) English Department, FKIP-UMS Jl.A Yani Pabelan Kartasura Tromol Pos I Surakarta 57102
(*) Corresponding Author


Identifying learner needs is essential in English course design. Needs Analysis or Needs Assessment refers to an array of procedures for identifying and validating the learner needs and establishing priorities among them. Learner needs can b categorized into learning needs and target needs. Target needs comprise necessi- ties, lacks , and wants. Course designer uses a number of ways such as question- naire, interview, observation, and the like to collect information about learner needs. Needs Analysis has two categorizes of purposes; first, it is related to course design or curriculum development, and second, it is concerned with language teaching.


Key words: Needs Analysis, Target Needs, Course Design, and Course Design Pro- cess.



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Bunyi, Grace W. 1995. Teach Your BEst: A Handbook for University Lecturers. Witzenhusen: German Foundation for International Development.

Dubin, Fraida and Elite Olshtain. 1990. Course Design: Developing Program and Materials for Language Learning. Cambrigde University Press.

Hutchison, Tom and Alan Waters. 1994. English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-centeres approach. Glasgow: Cambridge University Press.

Mackay, R. 1979. "Identyfying the Nature of the Learner's Needs" in Mackay, R. and Alan Mountford (eds.). English for specific Puposes. Singapore: Longman Group Ltd.

Nunan, David. 1997. Syllabus Design. Oxford University Press.

Richards, Jack C. 2002. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. USA: Cambridge University Press.

Richards, Jack C., et al. 1997. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. Hongkong: Longman Group Ltd.

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