Tri Asmawulan(1*), Yetty Sarjono(2), Sabar Narimo(3)

(1) Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(2) Dosen Tetap Prodi Pendidikan Akuntansi, FKIP-UMS
(3) Dosen Tetap Prodi Pendidikan Akuntansi, FKIP-UMS
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to: 1) Describe the teacher profile in public
elementary school 1 Delanggu; 2) Describe the teacher
empowerment in public elementary school 1 Delanggu; 3) Describe
the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in public elementary school 1
This research is qualitative. Informants in this study were principals and teachers
in primary school 1 Delanggu. Data was collected through interviews,
observation and documentation. Data analysis techniquesused in this research ist
he analysis of interactive models, namely data reduction, data display and
conclusion. Remedy to test the credibility of the data using triangulation
The results ofthis study: 1) Profile of teachers in primary schools 1 Delanggu
good enough indicated by 80% of teacher education has met the qualifying
standard. But in primary school 1 Delanggu not have teachers BK; 2) In terms of
empowerment, there is a lack of professional competence that teachers do not do
research, as well as the teacher's ability to operate a computerless. There is also
a shortage in teachers' personal competence a reless disciplined time; 3)
Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in primary school 1 Delanggu in planning
have constraints on the availability of textbooks to support learning activities.
While the implementation of primary school 1 Delanggu implement Curriculum
2013 is not in accordance with the time scheduled by the government. Even so,
primay school 1 Delanggu been able to implement Curriculum 2013 in the
learning processwell. For the evaluation, because the first year of implementing
the new curriculum in 2013, so it can not be evaluated as normative and


Empowerment, Teacher, Curriculum 2013

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