Improving the English Skills of Elementary School Students in Tourism Areas

Siti Nur Azizah(1*), Muhammad Randi Setiadi(2), Desi Destiana Agusman(3), Faino Elesion Raprap(4)

(1) Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
(2) Communication Science, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
(3) Faculty of Teaching and Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(4) Delegation of Education Division, Semangat Muda Indonesia Foundation
(*) Corresponding Author


English is an international language used by the global community from various countries to communicate with each other by default. However, not all people living in tourism areas, including schoolchildren, have fluent English skills. Even though school children are the next generation, who will later develop tourism potential in the area, this service provides English language training to elementary school students in potential tourism areas in Belitung Regency. The community service method is in the form of pronunciation training and short conversations in English, delivered in English games and songs. As a result, children become more proficient in vocabulary and communicating briefly in English. The results of this study indicate that children can quickly master foreign languages if their learning is in the form of fun games or songs. So that English skills can begin to be applied to children and later will make it easier for them to communicate with foreign tourists who stop at these tourist sites.


english skill; tourism area; foreign tourist

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