Adista Nur Primantari(1*), I Dewa Putu Wijana(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


This study is aimed at explaining what causes the differences occurred in Indonesian
request utterances produced by Korean learners of Indonesian. The data used in
this research were taken directly from the fieldwork. The data were taken through
direct observation by recording and taking notes from conversations between Korean
people living in Yogyakarta whostudies Indonesian language. To collect the data,
the researcher distributed questionnaires. After collecting the data, the researcher
analyzed them in the area of pragmatics, compared the data between the Korean
and Indonesian speakers, and discussed the factors causing the differences. The
researcher reveals that the Korean learning Indonesian produce different request
utterance forms compared to the native speakers. The factors of request utterance
differences used by Korean learning Indonesian are mainly caused by linguistics and
non-linguistics factors. The linguistics factors are the impact of Korean pragmatics
knowledge transfer and the imperfection of grammatical knowledge meanwhile the
non-linguistics factors are cultural differences, intake of Indonesian learning, and
habit of using informal forms in daily conversation.


Interlanguage Pragmatics, Pragmatics System, Cultural Differences, Bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian learners from Korea

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