Merdeka Belajar: the Real Learning Needs of Students, Teachers, and Institutions Related to Demands for Independent Learning Innovation

Fernandes Arung(1*), Fathiaty Murthado(2), Endry Boeriswati(3)

(1) Faculty of Teachers Education, Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara
(2) Faculty of Language and Art, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(3) Faculty of Language and Art, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aimed to identify real learning needs to meet the requirements of the 'Merdeka Belajar' [Freedom of Learning] concept initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. This survey revealed the urgent needs of students, teachers, and institutions regarding implementing the 'Freedom of Learning' concept, as indicated by the responses of 1,935 teachers and students from various secondary schools in DKI Jakarta who completed self-designed questionnaires. These needs included freedom from formalities, adequate infrastructure, evaluation assessment systems aligned with the principle of free education, and full support from all stakeholders, particularly local government. The "Freedom of Learning" implications for government policies are also discussed.


education formalities; educational policy; educational infrastructure; freedom of learning; independent learning innovation; merdeka belajar

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