The Role of Instructional Design in Improving Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher’s Mathematics Learning Sets Skills: A Systematic Literature Review in Indonesian Context

Naufal Ishartono(1*), Rafiza binti Abdul Razak(2), Siti Hajar binti Halili(3), Yoga Dwi Windy Kusuma Ningtyas(4), Wilda Syam Tonra(5), Muhammad Noor Kholid(6), Mohamad Waluyo(7), Soraya Djamilah(8)

(1) Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia; Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Education, University of Malaya
(3) Faculty of Education, University of Malaya
(4) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Univeritas Muhammadiyah Jember
(5) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Khairun
(6) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
(7) Faculty of Education, University of Szeged
(8) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author


Several previous researchers have tried to review the results of previous research related to the development of learning tools using a systematic literature review (SLR) model. However, SLR research efforts that examine the development of learning tools carried out by Indonesian in-service and pre-service mathematics teachers are still limited. Therefore, this study seeks to answer two questions, namely (1) what is the mathematics learning sets developed by the Indonesian ISTs and PSTs, and (2) What instructional design model is used by the Indonesian ISTs and PSTs in developing mathematics learning sets. As many as 55 articles were selected using the PRISMA protocol by retrieving articles from the ERIC and Dimensions databases. The findings of the two questions are that the ADDIE model is the most widely used model by Indonesian PSTs and ISTs in developing learning sets. In addition, mathematics learning media and mathematics student worksheets are the most developed tools by authors. This study also examines several instructional designs and types of mathematics learning sets developed by researchers, which can undoubtedly be a refer-ence for subsequent researchers in developing mathematics learning sets.


instructional design models; in-service mathematics teachers improvement; learning sets skills improvement; mathematics learning sets; pre-service mathematics teachers improvement; PRISMA

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